Sunday, January 8, 2012

princesses turn 3, Christmas

The sun setting in the back yard.  Okay, this is the start of a new camera.  I'm hoping to be better at taking pictures and the picture quality.  I had no camera for awhile, that is why I missed very important events, for instance Lake's 5th birthday among other memories.
Bill came for a visit in December, mom still enjoys playing cards a lot.  Bill's friend, Don came for a visit again too, his car racing buddy.  We always enjoy his company.  He brought us some lettuce dressing from Jacksonville Illinois that was great.  It's an Italian product called Lonzerottis.

Having a dance right in Nana's and Papa's living area. The music starts going and these 2 bodies can not stand still, it's great!

Get down Lake, wow! I am going to get a video on here sometime so they can see their moves when they get older.

Working on some cake balls for Harper's 3rd birthday party.  We also made some Christmas candy again this year, starting to keep it pretty minimal though.

Harper still helps in the kitchen...that includes testing everything possible.  These kids are going to love working in their own kitchen someday.  When not in the kitchen her favorite saying when she's possibly a little tired is, "I'm hungry!"  She LOVES to eat.           

Harper had her party here at our home.  Josh and Chelsea rented a house on Washington Street for 6 months, from July- January so they celebrated her 3rd party here due to lack of space.  She had a Princess cake.  The theme was Mexican so we followed it all the way through, from fajitas to black beans and rice to a pinata.

We set up the party down stairs for the cake and presents.

patiently waiting for everyone to come.

We had to take the pinata out on the patio, hang it up and hit it with a bat that Lake brought.  Those things are made too well for 3 and 5 year olds.

A family picture.

Opening a few presents.

"remember Harper, I can help you."

"Oh come on, you can't do it all by yourself!" You are only 3!"

whoops!  That happens a lot to Harper, he! he!

Maechen is having fun!

Harper's new bitty baby.  It took a long time for that baby to be undone from the box, Josh liked to never get it loose.

cleaning up

The kids loved watching the train go around the Christmas tree...

Landon and Chase Gufaston, Bray and Barclay, Lake and Harper.

They were told not to touch or it would break.

Barclay wanted to touch it so bad.

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Christmas morning, opening presents.
a dinosaur

bitty baby clothes and bag

wow Bray got bitty baby clothes and bag too.

Barclay got a highchair, no big thrill yet, but she does love to eat.

Who does she look like?  We might get confused as the years go on.  This is Barclay, she has the outfit on that Bray wore when she was 1.  Barclay is a little bigger than Bray was.

Maechen go a few things that the 3rd child would get, nothing she needed.

Getting ready for a nap guys?

Emily got a jewerly box.

Chelsea got bogs...

Maechen wants to see the box.

Bogs too?  nooooo, a warm hunting coat and spot light.

yep more Bogs, what, size 14?

They love to play games here.

Christmas dinner at the picnic table worked well.

Brandyn and Emily and family left after dinner to go have Christmas at home with the Filer family.  So we had to continue to celebrate without them by singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus" while we lit his candle.  "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear JESUS, Happy Birthday to you."  We celebrate His birth because he came into the world as a human, then he had to suffer and die like a human because HE loved us so much.  He dies for all of our naughty things that we do so we can be forgiven and go to Heaven to be with Him forever someday.

It was so nice on Christmas Day, we went outside and rode bike awhile. The kids broomed off the driveway after Lake wiped out on a bunch of gravel that dropped off a vehicle earlier.   Harper wanted her training wheels off again.  Daddy finally had to give in.  I don't think he wanted to get so much exercise today but he did...

OKay, here we doeee...

"pedal...pedal...pedal...keep pedaling...

Watch out for Nana and Papa's new grass...

"you got it girl, you're doing it...

After awhile we thought we had to bake and decorate 1 cookie sheet of Christmas cookies...

They got to do most of them themselves,

The only time to eat them is when they are very fresh, so we made Grandma Joey eat one too.

Maechen is checking Gr"ma joey out real good...

She's not scared of anyone, loves everyone.

Santa actually gave Harper some finger nail polish that morning so guess what?

oh man, now Lake is going to do my other hand.
On the 26th we had the Marlow family come for Christmas so we naturally did the wing thing out in the garage.  Yes the guys enjoy this a lot but so do the kids, not sure why they aren't out at the moment.

The grand kids all exchange names and Rick and I gave the Marlow family their gifts.

The kids opened presents starting with the smallest to the oldest, it was testing our patience while we were holding the gifts.

After a long sit in the hot tub over by Brandyn and Emily's, we put on  the movie, Polar Express.  Everyone was pretty tired.

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