Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas letter 2011 joy

Oh shoot!  I don't even have last year's letter finished yet.  Yes I did start that one but after going through this year's blog I have decided that I will not be writing an official "Christmas letter" anymore.  This time of year is so caught up in all the lists of what seems to be important things, but do they all really matter?  What is going to happen if I don't get another official letter written and printed and sent off hopefully in time.  What is going to happen if I don't get ALL the candy made?  What about all the lights outside or decorating using everything I actually have for inside and out?  I have failed once or twice on all these lists and you know Jesus still was born,  Jesus still suffered miserably for all our sins and also Jesus is in my heart, I belong to him and I will spend eternity with him.  This time of year we need more quiet time than the whole rest of the year because we need to take in all of it; all of what God has done for us and still is doing.  Then we need to reach out to anyone possible that God puts in our lives and share "His Story".  The shepherds didn't wait for a more convenient time, like when their list for the day was done. They "went with haste",   they left baby Jesus glorifying and praising God for all they seen and heard.  May our response to Christ this Christmas inspire us to offer our worship and praise to the One who put this brilliant Christmas plan into action.  Andrea Poppleton 
Andrea also put a good thought on paper that I'm going to put to practice and leave with you.  If you have a nativity scene in your home, don't put the baby Jesus in it until Christmas morning.  The absence of the baby will remind you that Advent is about waiting.  The presence of the baby on Christmas morning will remind you that Jesus, and all the gifts he brings, are gifts well worth the wait.
Prayer: Your plan to send your Son into the world is amazing, Lord.  Help me to slow down enough  to take it in and then spread the news. Also Heavenly Father, help me to become more comfortable with not getting all that"To Do list" done and more comfortable with "waiting".  This is our prayer for all of you as well.
Rick and I both hope you all have a wonderful holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.   ~2011  joy

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