Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 2 first kernel in the ground, Lake playing Zingo with his grandmas, the dock is here

 Every chance Lake gets he gets as many possible involved in something.  Saturday morning it was Zingo.
 The guys checking over all the technology to make sure it's finally all working, YES!  Let's do it! We started at home then went to the other place.  A short Monday we planted 124 acres, getting the bugs out, Tuesday 164 acres, and Wednesday 175 in the bottom.  We are well on our way.  Technology is a wonderful thing when it's working but one thing goes wrong and everything stops.  Brandyn comes in quite handy as he can usually figure it out.  

 Brandyn is field cultivating.  I finally broke down and drove the Cat today.  Last year I vowed I would NEVER do it because...  I thought I'd drive it home last year out of the field but I couldn't honestly keep it between the ditches.  The steering is very different. Rick even had it on the road for me.  Doesn't say a lot for me now does it.  At times the customers need to make changes then one of the guys need to come to the seed shed. With Brandyn farming now I don't get involved in the different varieties and what is coming in and going out. It's not as convenvenient as it use to be running out the back door.  But Brandyn, there is no way I can drive the cart this Fall, just can't do it. ;)

The BOSS came to check things out.  We called dad when we were at the other place and asked him if he wanted to ride in the tractor.  We got him up in the cab and he sat for almost 3 1/2 hours, not a quiet moment all afternoon.
 There he's waving at me.

 Greg Petterson, a friend of Arvin Van Hall from down south built us a dock for the pond.  We thought it would be nice to get in and out of the pond without all the mud.  Beings that we can't seem to keep our kids out of it.  Lake came over and checked it out, had a chat and a cookie with the guys.

 Last of all they put the ladder on and anchored it down.

1 comment:

  1. Looks nice but dont know that I can get in that water with all those fish. At least now I can lay out on the dock:)
