Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time is getting closer, collecting deeds

The upper level fireplace is taking shape with tile and start of the posts.  I haven't been keeping up with posting lately.  The finish work is happening and we are getting so close.  Before I take more pictures I had to catch up on this blog.  These are pictures of  1-2 weeks ago so soon more to come.
Posts and mantle, check,  both are stained too.
The island doors.
We have our counter tops, can we eat here now? March 2 installed.

I don't think the stove will work yet, shoot!
Ready for wings yet?
This is the bat area with counter tops.
a close up for Christina.
The hearth is built down stairs.
ta tum!  We have stone, no heat yet but stone, getting closer.
Party day! with the mutton bars.  I'm so glad I didn't make it to this party!
Chief painter Jerry Brummel
His son Zach and Mr Edwards.

Chad Dieleman, another employee.  I haven't told him yet that I use to babysit him.  My dad and
I helped paint the door jams March 3 on the main floor.  The had to be painted and the trim is stained, that was not part of the painter's quote so we helped them out. They are busy painting the upper floor so next picture we will have color.  The closets are getting finished up on the main floor also.  The stairway is still under construction, so we need to wait for that to clean up well upstairs and take the cardboard floor off so we can actually see what is all looks like together.  We have almost all the lights up in the entire home so pictures will soon be taken again.

Collecting the Right Stuff?
Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.  I Timothy 6:18 
Why do we typically collect "things" and not deeds?  Good works is the only collection that lasts, the type you give anyway.  
We all have collections of some kind.  I had precious moments, Rick has toy tractors, I started the kids out with "collections", belt buckles, dolls, knives, buttons, only a few.  When we moved they didn't care about them at all. They were thrown away.
As a parent I should had worked harder at showing them to collect more good deeds rather than "stuff".  Somedays I just thank God for how my children turned out because it wasn't much of what I did.  So once again I give God all the glory GREAT things he has done.  
This past season I have thought about this time and time again as so many things in storage were thrown away.  Things that I thought were so important meant nothing to anyone.  
So go out today and have time for someone, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, a parent, or even a stranger in the grocery store.  Give an extra smile in the aisle and say a little prayer for their day as well.  This is what we should be collecting.  

Our Harper playing with cars, one of her favorite toys.  Gotta work on those dollies a bit more.  She does love her dolly though.

Bray reading books in her easy chair.  Bray started walking a couple weeks ago, hardly had mastered walking across the room but she was getting up in the middle of the room with no hands.  Now she figured our slow speed and fast speed and even stop and then go again.  
Lake brought his trike over (that his mommy's car hit last Fall) for repair to Papa's shop.  He picked it up all fix yesterday and dropped off his lawn mower.  He told us his mommy crashed it with her lawn mower, hmmm not  sure Papa can fix it but he thinks Papa can fix anything in his shop.

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